There is a hige difference between raw, unpasteurized honey and processed, pasteurized honey. In raw honey you can find 27 minerals, 22 amino acids and 5000 live enzymes. When honey is pasteurized the heat destroys the antioxidants and kills the live enzymes that our bodies need. Raw honey will have a milky appearance and should be darker in color than the processed honey.
Pasteurized and processed honey is clearer when held up to the light and much lighter in color than raw honey.
Honey is sweeter than white refine sugar but it is still a carbohydrate no matter how you look at it. Honey contains 82 grams of carbohydrates and the same amount of white refined sugar would contain 100% carbohydrates!
Raw honey is an antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial. Raw honey contains niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, and B6. This naturally made syrup can aid in digestion, strengthen the immune system, eliminate allergies, stabilize blood pressure and is great for acne, skin conditions and injuries as well as burns. Raw honey can be put on infections and rashes as well to help speed the healing process. Raw honey is also an anti inflammatory so it can be used to relieve certain types of pain. using raw honey to calm the nerves and treat ulcers has no side effects like many drugs do. For using in seasonal allergies it is best to use local raw honey only for best results.
Manuka honey is made in New Zealand where pollution is very low and therefore it is rumored that this raw honey has greater antibacterial benefits for colds, sore throats, indigestion, stomach ulcers and acne.
There are many types and flavors of honey depending on where the bees are visiting. Orange Blossom honey which obviously comes from the bees primarily visiting orange blossoms is usually very light in color with a mild flavor of citrus. Wildflower raw honey gets its name due to the bees collecting through a variety of wild flowers and not just one type. Apiaries use this name especially when the bees are using an unknown source. Clover honey is the highest producer in the United States and varies in color depending on where it is produced.
Overall honey is an amazing sweetener with incredible healing and medicinal qualities.Do your reasearch and enjoy the gift from the bees of raw honey.