Dr. Bach’s Flower Essences
In holistic medicine, people are trained to view the body as an entire entity: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. Naturopaths believe that if a person does not feel well physically then it affects the person mentally, spiritually and emotionally as well.
A therapy most commonly used by naturopaths and many other holistic practitioners is Bach Flower Essences.
The 38 original flower essences were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936). Dr. Bach M.B., B.S., D.P.H., was a bacteriologist and homeopathic practitioner. He was in tune with the medical theories of the ancient Greek Hippocrates. Like Samuel Hahnemann, Bach did not feel comfortable or approve of modern-day medical procedures that “destroyed or altered.” In 1930, Bach left his practice in search of a more natural way of healing. He spent the next six years of his life devoted to developing his flower essences.
Bach based his diagnosis on the soul of a person as well as on the personality. He felt that if the energy of certain feelings such as worry, apprehension, etc. were relieved, then the person would heal faster. Each plant that Bach chose was in tune with a certain personality type or quality. He felt that flower essence floods the negative soul with harmonious energy waves. The negative energy then melts away, like snow on a warm day. The gap between the soul and the personality is then reestablished and the person is able to heal more efficiently.
There are 38 flower essences and each pertains to a specific personality. They can be combined according to the individual but should not exceed five at one time. Flower essences are quite harmless to anyone at any age, even in large doses. One small bottle can make between 45 and 50 treatments. A treatment can be prepared by putting 2 to 3 drops in a cup of water and sipping the water throughout the day.
One particular remedy called “Rescue Remedy” is a combination of five essences. The purpose for this combination remedy is to nullify the person’s anguish, comfort them, reassure them and keep them calm. This remedy can be taken during the trip to the hospital in emergency situations. The flower essence combinations can be used for cranky and irritable children on both the child and the parent to sooth and calm both parties. It can also be given to a car accident victim until the ambulance arrives.
Rescue Remedy will keep the person calm and focused. The loss of a job or the news of a family member’s death is a sure sign for Rescue Remedy.
Bach Flower Essences can be used in combination with allopathic therapies as well as other naturopathic remedies safely, as there are no contraindications. However, as with all naturopathic or holistic therapies, you should seek professional advice and research information thoroughly before using any new remedy.
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