Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Bananas, Oh My!!!


Historians believe that bananas originated in Malaysia around 4000 years ago and spread to the Philippines and India. There is proof of them existing during the reign of Alexander the Great in 327BC. Once again, just like Ginger the Arabs enabled bananas to be brought to other countries through the traders and that's when they came to the Americas.  Because of the fragile nature of the banana they were only consumed by coastal residence as they were closest to the docks where trading occurred. When refrigerators were invented the banana became more popular across the country as storage was no longer an issue.
Banana plants grow to be anywhere from 10 to 25 feet tall bearing from 50 to 150 bananas in groups of 10 to 25 bananas called hands. There are hundreds of varieties of bananas but only two main types-sweet and plantain. They also come in a variety of colors other than just yellow.
Sweet bananas can be eaten raw or cooked but plantains are eaten cooked as they are considered more of a vegetable than a fruit and contain more starch than the sweet banana plus their beta-carotene levels are higher.
Bananas a filling and can help with dieting with only about 90 calories each, keep your bowels regular, help to regulate heart rhythm and contain nutrients for eye health. Since half the fiber in the banana is soluble fiber it can slow the digestion down which makes you feel full longer so consuming a banana before a meal can help curb the appetite and hunger.

Since bananas are high in potassium (400mg or so) they are great for regulating high blood pressure, leveling out electrolytes, feeding the brain, protection against atherosclerosis. They are low on the glycemic index with about 14-15 grams of sugar which is  a bonus for diabetics. Bananas are also high in bifidobacteria which will help with gastrointestinal issues. I have also heard the if you rub your teeth with the inside portion of the peel it can whiten your teeth.

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